19A Residential Drive

Ridge Danyame, Kumasi

+233 598764693

Working Hours Only

Mon - Fri: 8:30 - 17:00

Co-working at best

Our Team

Picture of Gideon Brefo

Gideon Brefo

Co-founder & CEO

Picture of Josephine Edu

Josephine Edu


Picture of Philipina Appiah

Philipina Appiah

Communications Lead

Picture of Albert Opoku

Albert Opoku

Co-founder & CFO

Picture of Maxwell Amponsah

Maxwell Amponsah

Digital Media

Picture of Anderson Okai

Anderson Okai

IT Support

Picture of Douglas Israel Boateng

Douglas Israel Boateng

Hub Manager

Picture of Thelma Akosua Annor

Thelma Akosua Annor

Finance Lead

Picture of Kelvin Baah

Kelvin Baah

Community Support