Service Delivery With A Touch of Professionalism

Our Services
Our range of professionals and seasoned start-ups provide quality services to corporates and individuals. Below are some of the projects we have implemented in behalf of government, donor agencies and corporates.
GIZ Business Pitch Competition
GIZ Ghana PSED-MEP in collaboration with 4 hubs in Kumasi implemented a business pitch competition for budding startups.
The start-ups received a one-day training to build their pitch decks and had another day to competed with their fellow participants for equipment support. Twenty startups were selected from each of the 4 hubs for the support.

NEIP Youth In Innovative Agriculture
The program focused on helping agro startups to acquire best agricultural practices, be able to increase their yield and meet all required standards.
They also went through business development sessions where they developed their business model canvas.

British Council & Rockefeller's Job 4 Youth Programme
The project provided support to unskilled young men and women, including returning migrants, and enabled them to create employment opportunities for themselves and others which will lead to sustainable livelihoods in Ghana. The project was designed to connect, train, mentor and promote local enterprises.
Key outputs of the project were provision of entrepreneurship training to 3,200 young Ghanaians between 18 – 35 years.